Saturday, October 27, 2012

Upload Pictures From Your Cell Phone to Your Blog in 1 Minute!

A few weeks ago I uploaded a lot of pictures from our field trip to my classroom blog in just a minute!  If you still need to start a classroom blog please see my post How to Start a Classroom Blog to get started!  This tip has saved me tons of time in posting to my classroom blog (this blog too, but especially my class blog!)

Step 1: Download the Wordpress App or Blogger App depending on your hosting site.  I have both because I have a Wordpress class blog and a Blogger teaching blog.

Step 2: Once the app is installed you are ready to get started!

I LOVE this app because it makes it so easy for me to upload pictures to the blog. It is so simple for me to grab my cell phone, take pictures of a classroom project, the students working together, a field trip or special party, etc. and then upload them directly to my class blog.  TIP: Don't type out your whole post on your phone (it takes forever, believe me, I know!) Just title the post and insert the pictures into the post using the app. Next, publish the post.  Okay, it may take a little longer than 1 minute the first time, but after you get the hang of it, it will be speedy quick!  Then go online and edit the post with all of the fabulous things you would like to say!

Happy Posting!

Mandy L.

P.S. Check out my classroom blog here for inspiration!

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